Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association (OxHKScholars) is hosting our flagship Oxford Hong Kong Forum, with the title “Sailing into a new Hong Kong and beyond”, on 25–26 June 2022 9–2 pm (BST) virtually to foster discussions on and about Hong Kong. The cosmopolitan metropolis we call home is blessed with strong local identities. As we embrace our unique positions in the world, OxHKScholars organises this forum with the aim to attract both Hong Kongers and foreigners to learn about different aspects of Hong Kong through meaningful conversations.
Hong Kong has always been an ever-changing city for more than a century, vivid and energetic. Amidst some of the most significant social incidents in decades, Hong Kong once again finds itself at multiple crossroads. Rather than engaging in Hong Kong through a mere conceptual or academic lens, the Forum will put the spotlight back on Hong Kongers, the living, authentic, and individualistic Hong Kongers. The Forum, like a movie, will uncover untold Hong Kong stories and bring the focus back to its people - be it born-and-bred Hong Kongers, settled communities, transient migrants, or any international audience who holds interest in Hong Kong. Our panel speakers are all candid Hong Kongers coming from a diverse background spanning across multiple industries, age group, ethnicities, and timezones. They will each be telling their own uniquely inspiring stories to the world, yet they will all be orating the ever-evolving chronicle of the global Hong Kong citizens.
牛津大學香港學者協會(OxHKScholars)恭定於 2022 年 6 月 25 至 26 日下午 4 至 9 時(香港時間)主辦「循此香江,以越汪洋——第二屆牛津香港論壇」。羣賢薈萃線上,月旦古今。香港聚四海之眾,誠國際都會、亞太樞紐,亦深蘊在地特色,乃敝會諸員獨一無二家鄉。由是開辦論壇,雲匯中外諸賢,聚首共商。明哲良思,締於斟酌;我城眾相,探於論議。
牛津大學香港學者協會(OxHKScholars)謹定喺 2022 年 6 月 25 至 26 日下晝 4 至 9 點(香港時間)舉辦「循此香江,以越汪洋——第二屆牛津香港論壇」。到時嘉賓線上雲集,評論古今。香港聚四海朋友,絕對稱得上係國際都會、亞太樞紐,但亦有深厚本土特色,係敝會會員獨一無二嘅家鄉。所以我哋搞呢個論壇,聚集中外猛人,一齊傾吓。思辯火花之中,睇見香港嘅不同方面。